Did You Miss It?
About a month ago Jessica and I discussed ideas for new ways to connect with you fine folks. One of the things we came up with was to do a weekly live video broadcast where we could interview guests and discuss the topics we were writing about in greater detail while taking questions and comments from live viewers.
Thus, Monticello Live was born. But let’s be honest: It was a little rough. Because of my love of experimentation and my refusal to believe that many people would watch it, we started out a little amateurish. Basically using Periscope while I was sitting in the dark on my back porch staring at myself on my cell phone screen.
And yet, you watched. And I’m incredibly flattered. So much so that we have since invested in new technology and equipment that we debuted last Friday evening. And, if I’m being honest with you, it was our best edition yet.
If you didn’t catch what we should probably be calling “Monticello Live 2.0” you can view it on Periscope, our new YouTube Channel, or my public Facebook page.
Stay tuned each Friday evening at 8pm Eastern on those very same channels.